Your Ideas on any Smartphone

Build mobile content and mobile apps with Headless CMS. Publish to your users’ phones – wherever they are.
caisy graphic artwork mobile application blue green with developers

Take your chance,
go mobile with caisy

According to current statistics almost 84% of the global population own a smartphone.
Don’t miss out on the potential of reaching them with high quality content. With caisy you can create applications that match your brand guidelines and improve them constantly - no need for a developer.

Take your chance,
go mobile with caisy

Build High-Performing
Headless Applications

Enjoy the Headless Architecture

No more need for extra work and double checks:

Publish your content once - let it display everywhere immediately.

enterprise content management systems
caisy graphic artwork mobile phone device white on black

Android or iOS? Both, of course!

Decide on an operating system – or don’t and deliver content for all users.
It’s your choice!

caisy graphic artwork mobile phone device white on black

Decide on an operating system – or don’t and deliver content for all users.
It’s your choice!

caisy graphic artwork cursor pointer white on black

Improve your users’ experience

Make your customers and users happy with fast loading, personalized, multilingual content they can access 24/7

caisy graphic artwork cursor pointer white on black

Make your customers and users happy with fast loading, personalized, multilingual content they can access 24/7

Work smarter and enable your teams to spend their time focusing on what they do best:
Creating content.