CSS Frameworks

Next.js Font Integration with Tailwind CSS and next/font

Header graphic depicting Next.js 13, Tailwind CSS, and next/font collaboration for effective font handling

Font management in web development can be a burdensome task, often involving a mishmash of CSS rules and font files cluttering up your project. However, the latest features in Next.js paired with Tailwind CSS 3.0 offer developers a more streamlined approach. This comprehensive guide unleashes the potential of next/font for handling fonts in your Next.js applications, ensuring both optimization and ease of use.

Introducing next/font for Next.js

The next/font package is specially designed to simplify font usage in Next.js projects. It cleverly handles the heavy lifting, optimizing font loading and minimizing layout shifts, which are key for a smooth user experience and strong SEO standings. Not only does it automatically self-host the fonts, thereby removing external network requests for enhanced privacy and performance, but next/font also supports variable fonts, Google fonts, and even your custom local fonts.

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Setting Up Next.js with Local and Google Fonts

To kick off, let's discuss how to incorporate both Google fonts and local custom fonts into your Next.js application. It's a three-step magic trick – import, configure, and apply to your JSX.

Here's an example of adding Google's Open Sans font globally:

// Import the Open Sans font from `next/font/google`
import { Open_Sans } from 'next/font/google';

// Configure the font object
const openSans = Open_Sans({
  subsets: ['latin'],
  display: 'swap',

// Apply the font globally by attaching it to the JSX
export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
  return <html lang="en" className={openSans.className}>

And, if Open Sans isn't a variable font in your project, you'd specify a weight, like weight: '400'.

For local fonts, the approach is almost identical. Let's assume you have a local font stored as my-font.woff2:

// Import local font utility from `next/font`
import localFont from 'next/font/local';

// Configure the local font
const myFont = localFont({ src: '../fonts/my-font.woff2' });

// Apply the font to your component
function MyComponent({ children }) {
  return <h1 className={myFont.className}>{children}</h1>;

Working with Tailwind CSS and next/font

Tailwind CSS users, here's some good news: next/font plays nicely with your CSS utility framework too. You can easily create CSS variables, known as custom properties, for your fonts that you can reference in your Tailwind classes.

Consider an example where you integrate next/font with Tailwind CSS by generating and using CSS variables:

// Define your fonts as CSS variables
const openSans = Open_Sans({
  subsets: ['latin'],
  display: 'swap',
  variable: '--font-opensans',

// Define your Tailwind config using the CSS variables
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      fontFamily: {
        sans: ["var(--font-opensans)"],

// Use the fonts in your components with the Tailwind utility classes
function MyComponent() {
  return <p className="font-sans">Text with Open Sans.</p>;

Now, your entire app can access the font via the font-sans class.

Managing Multiple Fonts with Ease

Working with multiple fonts is also a breeze using next/font. You can import multiple fonts and their styles, then selectively apply them to components. Check the next/font docs to see their recommended approach for utmost optimization.


By combining next/font with the utility-first approach of Tailwind CSS, your Next.js application's font management becomes efficient and performance-oriented. The choice of loading method—be it from Google Fonts or locally—depends on your needs, but either way, you're assured a robust solution that strikes an excellent balance between customization and loading speed.

With this, developers can create visually stunning, typographically rich web experiences while maintaining the impactful, high-performing characteristics that are essential for modern web applications. So, dive into next/font, experiment with your fonts, and relish the simplicity and power it brings to your Next.js projects.

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