Navigate to Blueprints

In this quick start, we will create a single blueprint called "BlogArticle." To start, go to "Blueprints" in the main navigation. You should see that there is already a blueprint called "Asset" created by the system in your project.

caisy screenshot interface blueprints

Create a Blueprint

To create a BlogArticle blueprint, hit the "Create" button for "Document Blueprint."

caisy screenshot interface create document blueprint

The name you set for the API will be used for all API actions, and your External API queries will also be named accordingly.
The "Title" is a descriptive name for the editor, used as the blueprint title throughout the UI.

To learn more about the difference between documents and components, see here:

Adding blueprint fields

Once you have created the blueprint, you will find yourself in the blueprint's detail screen. Here, you can add fields to the blueprint. Without fields, the blueprint is just an empty frame and not very useful.

caisy screenshot interface string settings

For the sake of this example, we are adding three fields:

  • a string field named title

    This will be used as the title for the page and as the title in the CMS.

  • a string field named slug

    We will use this for the URL ending of our blog, such as /blog/<slug>, where "/blog/hello-world" would be the URL if the slug were "hello-world".

  • a richtext field named text

    Since every blog article requires a main body of text, we added a rich text field for this purpose.

caisy screenshot interface blueprint blog article


Save the blueprint in the top right corner

caisy screenshot interface button save blueprint