graphic svelte with google tag manage

27 August 2024

Google Tag Manager in Svelte

Irelia Codeheart, Senior Developer

You want to unlock the full potential of your Svelte applications? Integrating Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager might be the key you’re missing. Imagine gaining deep insights into your user’s behavior without adding unnecessary complexity to your code 🙌 .

In this post, we’ll show you how to seamlessly blend these powerful tools with Svelte. Learn how to make sure your app runs smoothly while delivering the data you need.

Ready to take your Svelte projects to the next level and really get to know your users?

Let’s get started!

Understanding Google Tag Manager and its Integration with Svelte

What is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager is a robust, user-friendly solution to simplify the process of managing tags on your website or mobile application. It is a powerful tool that provides a web-based interface, allowing users to conveniently configure and deploy tags. With its tag organization capabilities, version control features, and extensive support for third-party tag templates, Google Tag Manager can help you streamline tag deployment and minimize configuration errors.

Learn how to best work with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.

Why use Svelte?

Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework that stands out because of its unique approach to building web applications. Unlike traditional frameworks like React or Vue, Svelte shifts much of the work from the browser to the build process, resulting in faster, more efficient applications. With Svelte, you write less code, and the framework compiles your components into highly optimized, vanilla JavaScript at build time. This leads to smaller bundles, quicker load times, and a smoother user experience, making Svelte an excellent choice for developers who prioritize performance and simplicity.

To learn how Svelte compares with other frameworks, click here.

Benefits of Google Tag Manager in Svelte

Adopting Google Tag Manager in a Svelte application has lots of benefits. First off, there's no more need to edit your site's code whenever you need to add or update tags. Secondly, it simplifies the management of tags meant for measurement and marketing optimization. Furthermore, it provides a straightforward way of managing analytics and advertising tools in mobile applications. Lastly, its server-side tagging feature greatly enhances your app's performance and security level.

Google Tag Manager's capability to create and share custom templates allows developers to maintain consisitency and standards across different sites and applications. Meanwhile, its REST API provides convenient access to configuration data, opening up a new world of possibilities for advanced users.

Key components in integrating Google Tag Manager in a Svelte application

Integrating Google Tag Manager in your Svelte application involves a series of steps. You begin with importing the onMount function from Svelte, which will be used to append a script component to your document's header during the mounting phase of your app's lifecycle. Afterwards, you need to set variables that define your Google Tag Manager ID and specify custom data points.

Following this, implement functions that set the dataLayer and script source. Here's an example:

let gtmId = 'XXXXXXXXXX'; // Replace with your GTM ID
onMount(async () => {
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    gtag('js', new Date());
    gtag('config', gtmId);
    var s = document.createElement('script');
    s.src = `${gtmId}`;

In the code snippet above, the onMount function ensures that the Google Tag Manager script is appended to the document's header during the mounting process. Remember to replace 'XXXXXXXXXX' with your unique Google Tag Manager ID.

Finally, this component is imported and used throughout the application with the specified Google Tag Manager ID, thus neatly integrating Google Tag Manager into your Svelte application. This offers a convenient and efficient way of managing and deploying tags, fostering seamless website and mobile app performance.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Integrate Google Tag Manager in Svelte Applications.

In this section, we will walk through the process of integrating Google Tag Manager in svelte applications in four steps.

Required Tools and Knowledge for integrating Google Tag Manager and Svelte

  1. Basic Understanding of Svelte: You should have a working knowledge of Svelte, including how to create components and manage application state. If you're new to Svelte, consider reviewing the official Svelte documentation to get up to speed.

  2. Google Tag Manager Account: You'll need an active Google Tag Manager account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for free on the Google Tag Manager website.

  3. Basic Knowledge of Google Tag Manager: Familiarity with the basics of GTM, such as setting up tags, triggers, and variables, will be beneficial. Google’s Tag Manager Help Center is a great resource for beginners.

  4. A Running Svelte Application: Ensure you have a Svelte project already set up and running. If not, you can quickly create one using the Svelte template and a package manager like npm or Yarn.

To set up Google Tag Manager, navigate to the Google Tag Manager website and sign in with your Google account. Follow the on-screen prompts to create a new Tag Manager account and set up a new container. Once your container is set up, Google will provide you with a GTM ID. It's a string that looks something like this: GTM-XXXX.

Setting Up Your Environment

  1. Install Node.js and npm: Svelte projects require Node.js and npm (or Yarn). If you haven’t installed them yet, download Node.js from the official website, which includes npm.

  2. Create a New Svelte Project: If you don’t have an existing Svelte application, you can create one using the following command:

    npx degit sveltejs/template my-svelte-app
    cd my-svelte-app
    npm install
    npm run dev

    This will create a new Svelte project and start a development server.

  3. Set Up Google Tag Manager: Once your Svelte project is running, log in to your Google Tag Manager account and create a new container. This container will generate a unique GTM ID that you'll use in your Svelte application.

  4. Prepare Your Code Editor: Ensure your code editor is set up with Svelte support for a smooth development experience. Popular editors like Visual Studio Code have Svelte extensions that provide syntax highlighting, code snippets, and more.

By ensuring these prerequisites are in place, you’ll have a solid foundation to integrate Google Tag Manager into your Svelte application smoothly.

Implementing Google Tag Manager in Svelte using code snippets

Implementing GTM in Svelte requires a bit of functional programming. Start by importing the onMount function from Svelte:

import { onMount } from "svelte";

Then, export variables for your GTM ID and any custom data you want to track:

let gtmId = "GTM-XXXX";
let customData = {/* your custom data here */};

Next, define functions to set up the data layer and the script:

function setUpDataLayer() {
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

function setUpScript() {
  let gtmScript = document.createElement("script");
  gtmScript.src = `${gtmId}&l=dataLayer`;

Finally, use the onMount function to make sure these functions run when your component is first rendered:

onMount(() => {

Adding Google Analytics Tracking ID in your Svelte app

Now that you’ve integrated Google Tag Manager, it’s time to add your Google Analytics Tracking ID to your Svelte app using GTM.

  1. Retrieve Your Tracking ID: Start by logging into your Google Analytics account. Navigate to the Account Page and select the property you wish to track. Here, you can find and copy your Universal Analytics Tracking ID, which looks something like UA-XXXXX-Y.

  2. Set Up the Tag in GTM:

    • Open your Google Tag Manager console.

    • Create a new tag and select “Google Analytics: Universal Analytics” as the tag type.

    • Paste your Tracking ID into the designated field.

    • Configure the Tag firing options according to your needs (e.g., All Pages).

    • Once everything is set, click “Save.”

With this configuration, your Svelte app will now send data to Google Analytics, enabling you to track user activity and gather valuable insights.

This wraps up section 2 of our guide. 👏 Up next, we’ll explore best practices for managing your tags with Google Tag Manager to ensure optimal performance and accuracy.

Best Practices for Using Google Tag Manager with Svelte

Google Tag Manager (GTM) integrated with Svelte, can significantly enhance your app's efficiency and capabilities. So let’s dive into some best practices to help you get the most out of GTM in your Svelte applications.

Optimizing Tag Deployment in Svelte Apps

Strategically deploying tags is crucial to maintaining the performance of your Svelte application. Overloading your app with too many tags can lead to performance bottlenecks, slowing down load times and negatively impacting user experience.

To avoid this, group similar tags together to reduce the overall number of independently managed tags. Prioritize the load order of tags based on their importance, ensuring that essential functionality loads first. This approach not only optimizes performance but also helps maintain a cleaner, more organized tag management system.

Using Google Tag Manager for Analytics and Marketing Optimization in Svelte

Google Tag Manager allows you to track user interactions and optimize marketing campaigns within your Svelte app. By triggering tags based on specific user actions, you can capture critical data that provides deeper insights into user behavior and campaign effectiveness.

To maximize the benefits, develop a clear strategy for tag implementation. Focus on the most meaningful user interactions that align with your business goals, ensuring that the data you collect is both relevant and actionable. This targeted approach will enable you to perform more precise analyses and make data-driven decisions to optimize your app’s performance. 📈

For more tips on improving your site’s visibility, check out our post on Headless SEO.

Leveraging Server-Side Tagging for Performance and Security

Server-side tagging is a relatively new and advanced feature in GTM that can offer substantial benefits for Svelte applications. By offloading tag management to the server, this method not only enhances performance but also boosts security by providing more control over sensitive data.

For Svelte developers, server-side tagging means that the heavy processing is handled server-side, reducing the load on the client and improving the app’s overall responsiveness. This setup is particularly beneficial for apps handling large volumes of data or requiring high levels of security, as it minimizes potential risks associated with client-side execution.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with careful planning, you may encounter some challenges when integrating Google Tag Manager (GTM) with your Svelte application. This section addresses common issues, offers solutions, and provides tips for overcoming potential obstacles.

Common Problems in GTM Integration

DataLayer Issues and Solutions

One of the most frequent issues developers face is related to the dataLayer not functioning as expected. This can happen if the dataLayer variable is not properly initialized before the GTM script is loaded, causing events to be missed or not tracked correctly.

Solution: To resolve this, ensure that the dataLayer is instantiated at the very start of your application’s lifecycle. Use Svelte’s onMount function to set up the dataLayer as soon as the component is mounted:

import { onMount } from 'svelte';

onMount(() => {
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    window.dataLayer.push({ event: 'gtm.js', 'gtm.start': new Date().getTime() });

This approach guarantees that the dataLayer is ready before any other scripts are executed, ensuring that all events are correctly captured.

SPA Navigation Conflicts and How to Solve Them

Single Page Applications (SPAs) like those built with Svelte often face challenges with tracking page views because they don’t require a full-page reload for navigation. This can cause GTM to miss virtual page views, leading to incomplete analytics data.

Solution: To address this, ensure that a new event is pushed to the dataLayer every time a route change occurs. This can be done by listening to route changes and manually triggering a virtual page view event:

import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { afterUpdate } from 'svelte';

onMount(() => {
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

afterUpdate(() => {
        event: 'pageview',
        page: window.location.pathname

This setup ensures that GTM tracks every page view within your SPA, providing accurate analytics data.

Alternatives to Outdated Packages

As the web development ecosystem evolves, some libraries or packages may become deprecated or no longer function as expected. It’s important to keep your tech stack up to date with reliable alternatives.

Suggested Alternatives:

  • If you’re using an outdated router for your Svelte SPA, consider switching to the more actively maintained SvelteKit, which provides first-class support for routing and other features.

  • For managing state or data flow, consider using Svelte’s built-in stores instead of relying on third-party state management libraries, as they are highly optimized and well-supported by the Svelte community.

Community Insights

The Svelte and GTM communities are rich sources of knowledge, offering practical advice and solutions to common problems. Engaging with these communities can provide valuable insights and help you stay updated with the latest best practices.

Valuable Tips:

  • Stack Overflow: This is a great platform for troubleshooting specific issues. For example, threads discussing GTM integration challenges often contain real-world solutions provided by experienced developers.

  • Svelte Discord: Joining the Svelte Discord community can give you direct access to discussions with other developers who have faced similar challenges. You can ask questions, share your experiences, and learn from the collective expertise of the community.

By staying connected with these communities, you can continuously improve your GTM integration and Svelte development practices, ensuring your applications are both performant and future-proof.


Integrating Google Tag Manager (GTM) into your Svelte application is a powerful way to enhance your tracking and analytics capabilities.

By following the steps we've outlined, you can ensure that your app runs smoothly while capturing valuable user data. The combination of Svelte’s simplicity and GTM’s versatility provides a robust foundation for creating highly efficient, data-driven applications.

Now that you have the knowledge and tools, it’s time to put them into action. Start by implementing the solutions we’ve discussed and monitor how they improve your app’s performance and insights. Don’t hesitate to revisit the best practices section to refine your approach as you grow more comfortable with GTM in Svelte.

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