graphic svelte with google tag manage

19 August 2023

Google Tag Manager in Svelte

Irelia Codeheart, Senior Developer

Understanding Google Tag Manager and its Integration with Svelte

What is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager is a robust, user-friendly solution to simplify the process of managing tags on your website or mobile application. It is a powerful tool that provides a web-based interface, allowing users to conveniently configure and deploy tags. With its tag organization capabilities, version control features, and extensive support for third-party tag templates, Google Tag Manager can help you streamline tag deployment and minimize configuration errors.

Learn how to best work with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.

Why use Google Tag Manager in a Svelte application?

Adopting Google Tag Manager in a Svelte application brings numerous benefits. First off, it eliminates the requisite of editing your site's code whenever you need to add or update tags. Secondly, it simplifies the management of tags meant for measurement and marketing optimization. Furthermore, it provides a straightforward way of managing analytics and advertising tools in mobile applications. Lastly, its server-side tagging feature greatly enhances your app's performance and security level.

Google Tag Manager's capability to create and share custom templates allows developers to maintain consisitency and standards across different sites and applications. Meanwhile, its REST API provides convenient access to configuration data, opening up a new world of possibilities for advanced users.

Key components in integrating Google Tag Manager in a Svelte application

Integrating Google Tag Manager in your Svelte application involves a series of steps. You begin with importing the onMount function from Svelte, which will be used to append a script component to your document's header during the mounting phase of your app's lifecycle. Afterwards, you need to set variables that define your Google Tag Manager ID and specify custom data points.

Following this, implement functions that set the dataLayer and script source. Here's an example:

let gtmId = 'XXXXXXXXXX'; // Replace with your GTM ID
onMount(async () => {
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    gtag('js', new Date());
    gtag('config', gtmId);
    var s = document.createElement('script');
    s.src = `${gtmId}`;

In the code snippet above, the onMount function ensures that the Google Tag Manager script is appended to the document's header during the mounting process. Remember to replace 'XXXXXXXXXX' with your unique Google Tag Manager ID.

Finally, this component is imported and used throughout the application with the specified Google Tag Manager ID, thus neatly integrating Google Tag Manager into your Svelte application. This offers a convenient and efficient way of managing and deploying tags, fostering seamless website and mobile app performance.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Integrate Google Tag Manager in Svelte Applications.

In this section, we will walk through the process of integrating Google Tag Manager in svelte applications in four steps.

Prerequisites for integrating Google Tag Manager and Svelte

Before we begin, you need to have a basic understanding of Svelte and a Svelte application up and running. As well, you should have a Google Tag Manager account and basic knowledge on how to use it.

Setting up Google Tag Manager and generating GTM ID

To set up Google Tag Manager, navigate to the Google Tag Manager website and sign in with your Google account. Follow the on-screen prompts to create a new Tag Manager account and set up a new container. Once your container is set up, Google will provide you with a GTM ID. It's a string that looks something like this: GTM-XXXX.

Implementing Google Tag Manager in Svelte using code snippets

Implementing GTM in Svelte requires a bit of functional programming. Start by importing the onMount function from Svelte:

import { onMount } from "svelte";

Then, export variables for your GTM ID and any custom data you want to track:

let gtmId = "GTM-XXXX";
let customData = {/* your custom data here */};

Next, define functions to set up the data layer and the script:

function setUpDataLayer() {
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

function setUpScript() {
  let gtmScript = document.createElement("script");
  gtmScript.src = `${gtmId}&l=dataLayer`;

Finally, use the onMount function to make sure these functions run when your component is first rendered:

onMount(() => {

Adding Google Analytics Tracking ID in your Svelte app

To add your Google Analytics Tracking ID to your Svelte app using GTM, navigate to your Google Analytics account. Once you arrive at the Account Page, select the property which you want to track with the Google Analytics. From there, you can retrieve your Universal Analytics Tracking ID (UA-XXXXX-Y).

In the Google Tag Manager console,

  1. Create a new tag

  2. Select Google Analytics: Universal Analytics as your tag type

  3. Paste your Tracking ID in the appropriate field

  4. Set the Tag firing options to your preference

  5. Hit Save

With this set up in your Tag Manager, Google Analytics will now be able to track the activity in your Svelte app.

This concludes section 2 of our guide. In the next section, we will discuss some best practices for managing your tags with Google Tag Manager.

Troubleshooting and Considerations in Implementing Google Tag Manager on Svelte

Reaping the advantages Google Tag Manager (GTM) offers in a Svelte environment occasionally comes with its own set of troubles. This section discusses some common issues developers face during this integration process and provides practical solutions for the same.

Common Issues in Google Tag Manager Integration and Their Solutions

One major issue that developers often face pertains to the dataLayer not loading or failing to send events to GTM. In many cases, this is because the dataLayer variable is not instantiated before the GTM script in the head of your HTML file.

Using the onMount function could be vital in such situations. Here is a code snippet for your reference:

import { onMount } from 'svelte';
let gtmId = ...;
let customData = ...;
onMount(() => {
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

Another prominent issue is the conflict between SPA (Single Page Applications) navigation and GTM. Because SPA does not require refreshing the whole page for navigation, GTM may lose track of virtual page views and fail to record these interactions.

To overcome this issue, leverage the power of the Svelte Router. Ensure that every route change triggers a virtual page view event that is sent to GTM, effectively tracking user movements.

Alternatives to Deprecated or Non-functioning Packages

There might be situations where you stumble upon outdated or non-functioning packages while integrating GTM with your Svelte application. It's advisable to look out for alternatives from verified and active repositories ensuring they provide the necessary functionality.

For example, the library svelte-routing is a good substitute for cases where svelte-spa-router does not correctly interact with GTM.

Insights from Community: Discussions from Stack Overflow Threads

Exploring Stack Overflow discussions can be insightful for understanding real-life problems and associated solutions. For example, one such thread discusses how to include GTM in Svelte SPA without using additional packages. The user suggests configuring the route change handlers to push a new event to the dataLayer to keep GTM updated about navigation.

Additionally, be open to community suggestions about using GTM in Svelte, as many are subject-specific experts sharing novel ideas and approaches over such platforms.

Remember, when implementing GTM on Svelte, it's all about coding smart, staying updated, and being aware of the vibrant community and the knowledge it shares.

Exploring the Benefits of Using Google Tag Manager in Svelte

In this section, we are targeting developers who aim to enrich their understanding of the benefits associated with integrating Google Tag Manager (GTM) into their Svelte applications.

How Google Tag Manager Enhances Svelte Applications

Being a rich and efficient tool for managing JavaScript and HTML tags, Google Tag Manager empowers developers mostly with tracking and analytics on their Svelte applications. The prime advantage that GTM provides developers with is the ability to add, remove, or update tags without changing any code on their website.

This means that you can focus on building the core features of your application and placing more focus on the user's experience. GTM is also asyncronous, meaning users will not experience any slowness on your website while the tags are loading.

Specific Advantages Offered by Google Tag Manager in Svelte Environment

GTM also enables developers to maintain version control, allowing for easy rollbacks to previous states. So, as a Svelte developer, you'll be saved the hassle of manual updates in your codebase each time you need to change tracking tags.

Additionally, GTM provides a user-friendly interface to test and debug each update in your Svelte app before it goes live. This equates to better reliability and reduced chances for errors.

Best Practices in Using Google Tag Manager with Svelte

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a powerful tool that, when coupled with Svelte, offers clear advantages in terms of efficiency and capabilities. Based on best practices, let's explore how to best utilize GTM within your Svelte applications.

Optimizing tag deployment in Svelte apps

One key aspect of using GTM is to strategically deploy tags within your Svelte application. Remember, including too many tags can result in an overload, causing potential performance bottlenecks.

A recommended approach is to group similar tags together, therefore, decreasing the overall number of tags that need to be managed independently. Additionally, prioritizing the load order based on necessity can improve the user experience, ensuring critical functionality is loaded first.

Using Google Tag Manager for analytics and marketing optimization in Svelte

Google Tag Manager can boost your Svelte applications by allowing you to measure and optimize for marketing campaigns. Tags can be triggered based on user interactions with the app, allowing you to capture critical data and perform a more in-depth analysis.

It's important to have a clear strategy when implementing tags for analytics. Make sure to consider which user interactions are most meaningful, so you focus on accurate data collection to drive your analysis.

If you're looking to improve your SEO, don't miss out on this post about Headless SEO.

Leveraging server-side tagging for performance and security

Server-side tagging is a relatively new feature in GTM. This performance-enhancing technique revolves around sending HTTP requests to a Google server, from where the tags are fired. The benefits are twofold: it improves performance and escalates the security by having more control over sensitive data.

For Svelte, server-side tagging can provide a significant performance boost because the heavy lifting is done on the server side, which doesn't interfere with the client-side execution.


In conclusion, both Svelte and Google Tag Manager are powerful tools that, with the right approach, can enhance your web application's performance and data capture capabilities. It's about setting clear goals and implementing diligently to reap the benefits.

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